Saturday, February 16, 2008

Phonograph CD Player

Phonograph CD Player -
By: Yong Jieyu & Ama Xue Hong Bin

A 2 day workshop with Joris Laarman. The aim is to analyse a product in its history and function and redesign it.

A CD player was disassembled and the components rearranged to suit the layout of a phonograph. The speakers are put below the trumpet loudspeaker for amplification. The wooden box is made slightly more spacious then the electrical PCB board needed to achieve bass resonance. The laser pointer is shifted to the top allowing the spin of the CD to be clearly shown.

By bringing back a familiar nostalgic form of a phonograph, the design seeks transport the user back to the golden age of phonographs in early 1900s where sound broadcasting had a magical feel। (jieyu-design)

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